What the Hotel Quarantine Class Action means for you

You have been identified as a person who may be a member of the Hotel Quarantine (Business Losses) Class Action.

Disclaimer | All information within this blog has been provided to us pursuant to Court orders made on 21 February 2024.

We are informing you that we have received notification regarding the Hotel Quarantine (Business Losses) Class Action.

 This class action seeks to compensate for retail businesses as a result of the “second-wave” lockdowns that took place in Victoria from July to October 2020. It is alleged that these lockdowns took place as a result of negligence in the hotel quarantine program.

What this means for you

You have been identified as a person who may be a Group Member in the Hotel Quarantine (Business Losses) Class Action.

 The Court has made orders that:

  1. Any person who wishes to make a claim in any settlement of the Hotel Quarantine (Business Losses) Class Action reached between the Plaintiff and the Defendants at the mediation in November 2024 for loss suffered as a result of the Defendants' conduct must complete a registration form by 4:00pm AEST on 8 July 2024; and

  2. Any person who does not wish to participate in the class action must opt out of the class action by 4:00pm AEST on 8 July 2024.

The Court has approved an Opt Out and Registration Notice regarding these orders, which is available here: https://hotelquarantineclassaction.com.au/.

The Opt Out and Registration Notice includes information about:

  1. how to determine whether you are an eligible Group Member;

  2. if you are an eligible Group Member:

    1. how to register your claim to participate in any settlement reached between the parties at the mediation in November 2024; or

    2. your right to opt out of the class action.

How to register my claim

The deadline to register your claim or opt out of the class action is 4:00pm AEST on 8 July 2024.

How to opt-out

  • You can opt out of the proceeding by completing the "Opt Out Form" at Schedule 2 of the Opt Out and Registration Notice, which is available at https://hotelquarantineclassaction.com.au/. Opt Out Forms must be returned directly to the Principal Registry of the Supreme Court of Victoria by post or by email at the addresses indicated on the form.

What happens if I do nothing?

If you do nothing in response to this notice (i.e. if you do not register by the deadline or if you do not opt out of the class action), and the case settles at the November 2024 mediation, you will NOT be entitled to be paid any compensation from this class action, even if you would otherwise have had an eligible claim. You will, however, be bound by the settlement (despite not being eligible to participate in the settlement), including any terms releasing the Defendants in respect of matters related or similar to the claims the subject of the class action.

Further support

If there is anything you do not understand or if you have any questions, we recommend you seek independent legal advice and if you require further information, please contact Quinn Emanuel by email: HQclassaction@quinnemanuel.com; or phone (02) 9146 3636. Any questions you have concerning the matters contained in the notice should not be directed to the Court.


All information within this blog has been provided to us pursuant to Court orders made on 21 February 2024.

As always, if you have any questions or need clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact your Accountant. Our team will endeavor to help you the best we can. You can phone Strategem on (03) 5445 4777 or contact us via our website.