Meghan Rogers | Her Strategem Journey

My journey at Strategem started in July of 2017…

I was appointed a position in the Administration team which gave me the opportunity to not only learn a new range of administrative skills, but also insights into tax and accounting administration.

In my time at Strategem I have taken the opportunities to work across the firm, furthering my experience and knowledge. I have had the privilege of providing support at a partnership level and have had access to some incredible mentors along the way.

I now work as the Client Engagement and Marketing Coordinator. In this position I am able to use my passions for content writing, social media, branding and event management and am lucky enough to work with all departments of the business.

Throughout my time at Strategem I have been given the opportunity to develop my skills through a range of training opportunities as well as plenty of on the job learning.

In 2021, I married my husband, Dylan, and later that year we welcomed our daughter Olivia.

For someone who loves their job, taking maternity leave was hard. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my daughter, however I was still keen to be involved in the business even when being on leave.

For me personally, I am extremely lucky to have a solid support network around me, with both families and our friends all close by. This, along with the flexibility offered by Strategem, allowed me to return to work when Olivia was just four months old.

Having the ability and trust to work my own hours, the option to work in the office or work from home, allowed me to transition myself back into work and feel a sense of belonging, without having to leave my daughter.

It allowed for a smooth transition back into work, and allowed me to feel comfortable putting Olivia in to day care when I felt the time was right.

For me, working for a business that puts family first is most important.

I love bringing Olivia in to the office for visits and I feel proud to bring her into my place of work. My husband has also been a big part of my Strategem journey. He is often called upon to help me at events and knowing that he is appreciated by the firm confirms that Strategem is the place for me.


See more about Meghan Rogers on her Strategem Team Profile

Meghan’s Profile

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